Woodrow Hubbard Navy Photos

U.S.S. Picking DD 685 Destroyer

Seaman 1st Class woodrow Wilson Hubbard

Page 3

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U.S.S. Picking DD 685, Woodrow Hubbard
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]

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40mm AAA Guns
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]

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U.S.S. Picking DD 685, Woodrow Hubbard
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]
American Flag and 5" guns on deck.

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"5 Inch Guns"
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]

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U.S.S. Picking DD 685, Woodrow Hubbard
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]
One of the first shells fired at "Corregidor" to liberate the Island.

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"5 Inch Guns"
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]

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"5 Inch Guns"
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]

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40mm AAA Guns
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]

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Pacific Theater World War II[2003]
Artists Painting of a Fletcher Class Destroyer.

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U.S.S. Picking DD 685, Woodrow Hubbard
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]
"Asiatic Pacific Ribbon"

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U.S.S. Picking DD 685, Woodrow Hubbard
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]
"Bombing Leyte Gulf"

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U.S.S. Picking DD 685, Woodrow Hubbard
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]

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Pacific Theater World War II[2003]
Destroyer "Squadron"

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U.S.S. Picking DD 685, Woodrow Hubbard
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]

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U.S.S. Picking DD 685, Woodrow Hubbard
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]

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U.S.S. Picking DD 685, Woodrow Hubbard
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]

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U.S.S. Picking DD 685, Woodrow Hubbard
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]

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U.S.S. Picking DD 685, Woodrow Hubbard
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]

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U.S.S. Picking DD 685, Woodrow Hubbard
Pacific Theater World War II[2003]
This is the Destroyer Woodrow Hubbard Served on.

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"Patch from Korea/Vietnam Era

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Published by Digital Photo Librarian
David Hubbard